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Disentangling selection on genetically correlated polygenic traits via whole-genome genealogies. Am J Hum Genet 108, 219-239 (2021).
Graphical analysis for phenome-wide causal discovery in genotyped population-scale biobanks. Nat Commun 12, 350 (2021).
Population-scale tissue transcriptomics maps long non-coding RNAs to complex disease. Cell 184, 2633-2648.e19 (2021).
Regulatory genomic circuitry of human disease loci by integrative epigenomics. Nature 590, 300-307 (2021).
Improving the trans-ancestry portability of polygenic risk scores by prioritizing variants in predicted cell-type-specific regulatory elements. Nat Genet 52, 1346-1354 (2020).
Modeling epistasis in mice and yeast using the proportion of two or more distinct genetic backgrounds: Evidence for "polygenic epistasis". PLoS Genet 16, e1009165 (2020).
A Robust Method Uncovers Significant Context-Specific Heritability in Diverse Complex Traits. Am J Hum Genet 106, 71-91 (2020).
Transcriptomic signatures across human tissues identify functional rare genetic variation. Science 369, (2020).
A unified framework for joint-tissue transcriptome-wide association and Mendelian randomization analysis. Nat Genet 52, 1239-1246 (2020).
Methods for the Analysis and Interpretation for Rare Variants Associated with Complex Traits. Curr Protoc Hum Genet 101, e83 (2019).
Human Demographic History Impacts Genetic Risk Prediction across Diverse Populations. Am J Hum Genet 100, 635-649 (2017).
Linkage disequilibrium-dependent architecture of human complex traits shows action of negative selection. Nat Genet 49, 1421-1427 (2017).